Funds Group: Guinness Atkinson Funds
Management Company: Guinness Atkinson Asset Management, Inc.
Funds Affected: Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund
Principal Sustainable Investment Management Strategy: Thematic Investing-Alternative Energy
Fund Summary:
New Assets: $287 M
Oldest Funds Launched In: 1994
Number Of Funds | Share Classes: 8 | 9
Avg Manager Tenure: 12.1 years
Expense Range::1.2% to 6.8% AVG: 1.7%
Percentage Of No Load Funds: 100%
Fund Description:
The fund invests in equity securities of alternative energy companies (both U.S. and non-U.S.). Alternative energy companies include, but are not limited to companies that generate power through solar, wind, hydroelectric, tidal wave, geothermal, biomass or biofuels and the various companies that provide the equipment and technologies that enable these sources to be tapped, used, stored or transported, including companies that create, facilitate or improve technologies that conserve or enable more efficient use of energy.