Sustainable bond funds post significant drops in 2022 but 2023 is expected to be brighter

The Bottom Line: Sustainable actively managed bond mutual funds and ETFs suffered a significant drop in 2022 but 2023 is projected to be much brighter. 0:00 / 0:00 Listen to this article now Performance of selected sustainable actively managed fixed income funds: Y-T-D and 12-MNotes of Explanation: Average Y-T-D and trailing 12-month total returns to […]
US large cap actively managed sustainable mutual funds likely to underperform in calendar year 2022

The Bottom Line: US large cap actively managed sustainable mutual funds are likely to underperform their conventional actively managed mutual fund counterparts in calendar 2022. 0:00 / 0:00 US large cap actively managed mutual funds: Allocation to value, blend and growth style factorsNotes of Explanation: Value, blend and growth styles apply to large cap stocks. […]
Economist article slams US sustainable funds: What are the facts?

The Bottom Line: According to the Economist magazine, dubious green funds are rampant in America but the article is misadvised regarding the sustainable funds market. 0:00 / 0:00 Growth in sustainable mutual funds and ETFs by assets: Dec 2019 – November 30, 2022Notes of Explanation: Data source: Morningstar Direct. Research by Sustainable Research and Analysis. […]
Actively managed sustainable ETFs dominate new launches in 2022

The Bottom Line: More active versus passively managed sustainable ETFs will be launched in 2022, but costs are higher and they are likely to underperform. 0:00 / 0:00 Number of active vs. passive sustainable ETF launches: January 1 – November 30, 2022 Notes of Explanation: Data source: Morningstar Direct. Research by Sustainable Research and […]
Are emerging market debt funds poised for a turnaround?

The Bottom Line: Sustainable and conventional emerging market debt funds are turning in one of the worst years on record, but conditions may be improving. 0:00 / 0:00 Performance (TR) of sustainable emerging market debt funds: 12-M to October 31, 2022Notes of Explanation: BlackRock rebranded its two funds at the end of 2021. Templeton Sustainable […]
Who’s sustainable (ESG) opinion is it, anyway?

The Bottom Line: To ensure alignment with sustainable investing preferences, index fund investors should delve into the methodology used by index providers to construct benchmarks. 0:00 / 0:00 Leading providers of sustainable (ESG) securities market indices used in index funds Observations: Total US sustainable mutual fund and ETF assets under management as of October 31, […]
Sustainable ETF closures hit highest level in last four years

The Bottom Line: The ETF industry will experience the highest number of sustainable ETF closures, as so far in 2022 nine ETFs have been delisted. 0:00 / 0:00 Sustainable ETFs classified by fund net assets and number of funds in each asset categoryNotes of explanation: Sustainable ETF assets as of October 31, 2022 dimensioned by […]
Small-cap sustainable index funds outperformed actively managed counterparts

The Bottom Line: Recent outperformance of small-cap sustainable index funds versus actively managed sustainable counterparts influenced by their higher levels of exposure to value stocks. 0:00 / 0:00 ETF/Fund Name Tracking Index and ESG Integration Approach: Exclusions and Inclusion Practices Fund Size ($) Expense Ratio (%) iShares ESG Aware MSCI USA Small-Cap ETF MSCI USA […]