The reconstitution of DJIA as of August 31st elevates the benchmark’s overall ESG score

The Bottom Line: The reconstitution of the Dow Jones Industrial Average effective as of the start on August 31st elevates the benchmark’s overall ESG score. [ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type=”block” ihc_mb_who=”reg” ihc_mb_template=”4″ ] [/ihc-hide-content]
Sustainable (SUSTAIN) Indices Construction Methodology

The Bottom Line: The article describes in detail the three sustainable (SUSTAIN) mutual fund indices, their construction methodology, index constituents and corresponding sustainable investing strategies. Summary The Sustainable (SUSTAIN) funds indices, including the Sustainable (SUSTAIN) Large Cap Equity Fund Index, Sustainable (SUSTAIN) Bond Fund Index and the Sustainable (SUSTAIN) Foreign Equity Fund Index, are designed […]
S&P Dow Jones Indices Launches S&P 500 ESG Index

S&P 500 ESG Index: Another portfolio tool for asset owners and investors The announced launch of the S&P 500 ESG Index on April 8, 2019 gives investors yet another benchmark or tool with which to evaluate the performance of the large cap equity market in the US, qualified on the basis of minimum ESG scores […]
SUSTAIN Indices Beat Conventional Benchmarks in April, Posting Gains of 4.16% and 0.16%

Major US stock market indices recorded their best four-month start to a year since at least 1999; S&P 500 gains 4.05% in April Major US stock market indexes recorded their best four-month start to a year since at least 1999, the latest milestone fueled by a more accommodative Federal Reserve Bank and upbeat economic prospects […]
Introducing the Sustainable Large Cap Equity Fund Index

SUSTAIN Large Cap Equity Fund Index Description The index is designed to track the total return financial performance of actively managed sustainable mutual funds investing in large cap domestic stocks and provide a basis for comparison to other similarly managed funds and various securities market indexes. Initiated as of June 30, 2017 with data back to […]