Responses to the Risk Tolerance Investor Questionnaire will produce one of five investor profiles and portfolio asset allocations with exposures to individual securities or funds invested in such securities.
The Risk Tolerance Investor Questionnaire for assessing an investor’s financial profile
The Risk Tolerance Investor Questionnaire is designed to assess an investor’s financial profile, including both their investment time horizon and risk tolerance. The responses to the questions listed below will assess and qualify an investor’s financial profile that together with an analysis of historical and forward-looking securities market data, including risk, asset class correlations and expected returns, are used to determine an investor’s portfolio allocation across asset classes. Your answers to the questionnaire will produce one of five investor profiles and corresponding asset allocations. These are: Conservative Profile, Moderately Conservative Profile, Moderate Profile, Moderately Aggressive Profile and Aggressive Profile.
To integrate both financial goals and risk tolerance considerations as well as sustainability preferences, sustainable investors should also refer to and complete the Sustainable Preferences Questionnaire.
To access the Risk Tolerance Investor Questionnaire, click on the link immediately below.